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Sensory Activities

Let me take this time to state that I am a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)® and what that means is that my purpose is to educate, inform, and refer. This is NOT meant to diagnose. This is a sample version to give you the education and insight of what is used in this field of practice. These measures help activity directors and direct care workers choose what level of activity is appropriate for the individual.





Manipulatives are things that can be set out and worked with anytime. Such as this wooden board that is approximately 3' by 1' hanging near an old office of mine to catch the attention of a few gentlemen that had been used to repairing things in their own home. 
Manipulative frogs_edited_edited.jpg

Flower arranging


Gardens and flower beds can be moved to raised beds and tabletop activities for ease and better access. Tabletop version of gardening whether you are using pots, dirt, and real plants, or pots, Styrofoam and silk flowers.

Raised beds mom's 2_edited.jpg
Raised beds mom's 3_edited.jpg
Raised beds mom's 4_edited.jpg
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Tabletop garden 2_edited.jpg


Use plastic vases for safety. A clear cast product with clear marbles mixed in for weight to your vase, then silk flowers as they do not need water. 

Flower Arranging Kit_edited.jpg
Flower Arranging Possible Holiday Presen

Adult Coloring Pages:  I will add a new set of pictures each week designed to work for all three levels. 




You can use any pictures you like of course; these I drew to specifically take one picture into three stages, and I will be adding new ones weekly.

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Adult Coloring 2 flower_edited_edited_ed
Adult coloring 1 flower_edited_edited_ed
Mushroom 3_edited.jpg

Matching games in any form including using decks or cards, numbers, shapes and colors all are good puzzles for the brain to continue to work out for all of us. 

Activities that can be prepared ahead of time and have at the ready. 


Crafts that are designed for different levels of skill and cognition can still be created and completed as adult works of art. 


Men's activity Ideas.

1,000 ideas for dementia activities on pintrest

A Different Visit: Montessori Montessori-Based Activities for People with Alzheimer's / Dementia

TEDx talk: Dr. BillThomas "Elderhood Rising: The Dawn of a NewWorld Age."

You Tube - 'Present Perfect'

Pintrest Ideas

 Montessori for Dementia 

Who's Doing Something Different:

Senior Living resource - while your busy as a caregiver this group is testing out usable equipment for you - from dog leashes to furniture to places to call home. 

You Tube: ABC Nightline tells America about Dementia Tours

Nodes of Ranvier  Topics in Psychology and Neuroscience by Marianne Cezza / Alternative Reality Villages for Dementia Sufferers.

Mosher-Gardens Method at Juday Creek

Glen Cambell song "I'm not gonna miss you": (3 minutes)

 New York Times - Alzhiemers patients ability to Read

The Alzheimer's and Dementia Services programs across the country are the first resource that should be sought out as the are knowledgeble of other programs in your area, but exsist to inform those in need of information and not push toward one company or another. This link will take you to  this page you will find a map of the country where you can find local support often for free. If you go to the home page and then to the tab at the top 'in my area' it will take you to this page as well. Local for South Bend, Indiana is and is directly associated with Milton Adult Day Center .

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